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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 10th March 2017

Hello and welcome back to our 4F blog.   Your captain for this flight, Mr Psmiley...Yes, he's back.

In English this week, we have been looking at a great wordless book by David Wiesner.  The book, Sector 7, is about a young boy who goes on a school trip to the Empire State Building in New York.  Whilst there, he meets a friendly cloud who takes him to Sector 7 -a place where clouds are made.  The boy is asked by the clouds to redesign them, and he makes them into wonderfully imaginative shapes.

We have looked at writing conversations between the boy and the cloud, have designed our own clouds and written book reviews.  We have been really busy and have really impressed our teachers.

In Maths, we have been looking a decimals.  Take a look at these examples -can you tell what decimal each represents?

In PSHE, we were looking at how the media portrays males and females.  We thought about why it might portray them like this, and what `secret' messages we might be being given.  We decide to design our own posters with one very clear message -no hidden ones.  Please take a minute to consider the message, and we'll see you again next week. 