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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 13th January 23

Welcome back to the Year 4 blog.

This week in Maths we have been looking at the area and perimeter of shapes.  Both are really quite easy to work out and we have really impressed our teachers.  The trickiest part is remembering which one is which.


So yes, the area of a shape is the number of squares that will fit inside.  These squares could be cm, m or km squares. When they are calculated we give our answer in squares.  So the yellow rectangle on the picture above, we would say, "It has an area of 12 centimetre squared."

The perimeter of a shape is the measurement of the outside line.  So the blue shape in the picture above has 2 sides of 8cm and 2 sides of 5 cm.  So our addition would look like this, 8+8+5+5 or 8+5x2.  Which ever way we do it the answer will still be the same -26cm.  (This time we aren't measuring in squares.)

On Monday we went outside to explore area.  Take a look at our pictures below.  See you next week.

