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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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First of all, thank you so much this week for all your help and support with the snow and ice!


In maths this week we have been practising our counting and checking our Y1 learning so far.


In English we have continued with the Enormous Turnip story but this week we have been changing the story! We now have stories with enormous turnips, gigantic carrots, massive potatoes and giant beetroots!


Our science this week has focused on our main five senses. We have been able to match our senses to their body part and we thought about our favourite things to see, taste, hear, touch and smell.


Our topic this week focused on learning about human and physical features of the Wigan. We learnt that a human feature is something that is made by people and includes buildings, train stations, factories and shops. Physical features in Wigan include hills, fields, seasons and weather.


We continued to use the Beebots in computing to give, follow and debug the algorithms. We’re working really hard to learn about how the Beebots work (by turning on the spot) so that we can create accurate algorithms.

Have a lovely weekend!
