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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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1st March 2024

Hello and welcome back to this weeks class blog.  We hope that you all had a restful half term. This half term we will be focusing on the topic of Growth. We will be focusing on  the growth of plants, animals and ourselves. This week we have started with the text Oliver's Vegetables.  Let's take a look at this weeks learning smiley

Here are some of the lovely invitations to play we have had access to this week linked to the text smiley

We started the week off documenting all of our prior knowledge and learning linked to Growth.  These are all the things we already know and we look forward to adding our new learning to it at the end of this half term yes

This week we have explored different fruits and vegetables and looked at how the inside is often different to the outside. We have explored colour, shape, size and texture in lots of different ways. On Tuesday we used our observational skills to draw detailed images of fruit and vegetables. Here are just a selection of the fantastic art work we produced smiley

We have also been developing our Read Write Inc knowledge and writing as we draw and label vegetables that Grandpa in the story grew. It's really important to continue practising at home as the progress children are making in class is amazing and we are so very proud of their efforts smiley

In Maths this week we have been exploring how n umbers are made up of 5 and more for example 7 is made up of 5 and 2 more, 8 is made up of 5 and 3 more. Here we are exploring and recording our new knowledge smiley

We have also been creating our own number blocks to represent numbers to 5. We have commented that these look like a staircase. We have been learning about 1 more and 1 less and ordering number blocks yes 

On Wednesday of these week we welcomed Mrs Shirley to class. She will join us every Wednesday afternoon and help us to develop our musical knowledge and skills. Here we are enjoying taking part in some of the lovely activities that she had planned for us. We can't wait for next week smiley

Next week we will be using the text The Growing Story to help us with our learning. This is a lovely story about a little boy who doesn't think he is growing and changing until he tries on some old clothes and they no longer fit. Please see the link below to listen to the story before Monday smiley


Have a great weekend

Staff and children in Reception W 
