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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone!

What a busy week! We have our fingers crossed that there are less wet playtimes for us next week!



In maths this week we have been counting forwards and backwards and finding one more and one less than numbers within 10.



This week our focus has been on the story Meg and the Bun. We have practised writing words and sentences to retell the story this week.



In science we looked at different objects and decided what material we thought they were made from.



In topic this week we enjoyed looking at and playing with toys from the past. Miss Rose, Miss Rowbottom and Mrs Evans brought some toys in from their childhood and we looked at how they are different to toys in our house today.



In computing this week, we continued to look at algorithms. We created a dance and found out what happened to our dance when we changed the order of our algorithm. We know it is important for instructions to be given in the correct order.


This week we have sent home paper copies of links and QR codes to reading videos specific to your child’s level. We have also sent this message via Weduc. Accessing these videos regularly in addition to reading their books at home will really help your child to progress in reading this year.


Have a lovely weekend
