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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone!

Another busy week in year 1!



In English we looked at the story of Meg and the bun to focus on using the sounds we know to spell and to hold a sentence. We are practising writing our letters the right way around and forming them correctly.



In maths we have continued our focus on counting within 10 and we have been practising starting counting from any number. We have also been practising write our numbers the right way aorund and forming them correctly.



In science we looked and felt different materials and using adjectives like hard, soft, bendy, shiny, rough and smooth to describe the properties of the materials. Can you find any rough objects at home?



To continue our learning about algorithms (instructions) we used dance move cards to create dance moves then performed them. We noticed changing just one instruction made the whole dance change!



In the ALPS this week we explored the paths in the wooded area and looked for objects to sort. Some children sorted leaves and sticks, some children sorted leaves into different colours too!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Lodge, Mrs Hall and Miss Gray
