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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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27th May 2022

Welcome back to 2W's blog! 


What a week we've had! The children have worked so hard in the SATs tests! WE are all so proud of them! They have shown determination and given 100%! So as a treat this afternoon, we have had a little party for the children! They have had some party food and listened and danced to music! 


During the week, the children have made their own bags with their self portrait on them! They are fantastic! Check out our pictures below! 


We have also celebrated the Queen's jubilee with ice cream and a crown parade! Thank you for all the effort gone into making the crowns at home. They look fantastic! Don't worry if you didn't get chance to make one at home, we have also made some in school! 


We hope you have a fabulous half term and we'll see you on Tuesday 7th June!


Love Mrs Dickinson and Mrs Haselden

