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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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2nd March

Welcome back!


We have had a fabulous time in pre-school this week learning all about Jack and the Beanstalk.

We read the story and joined in with the giant as he said 'FEE FI FO FUM!'  




We also planted cress seeds talking about what the seeds will need to grow.  We are going to water them and leave them in the daylight to grow.

We have been very busy in Letters and sounds learning about rhyming words.  The children are getting much better and continuing a rhyming string and making up silly rhyming words.  Try playing 'I spy with my little eye' the rhyme version at home. i.e 'I spy with my little eye something rhyming with cork.  'FORK!'



We have loved our Maths groups this week learning all about numbers upto 10.  

Miss Hayley's group created an alien with lots of legs, eyes and arms!

Mrs Rothwell's group played a game called sneaky 6's where they roll the dice and steal counters from the other children.  

Mrs Littler's group have been playing with numbers thinking about who has the most and who has the least.

We have also been practising writing our names and labels.  We labelled the story map of Jack and the beanstalk with words like 'Mum' and 'Hen' and 'Jack'.



We made a beanstalk too for our home corner!  Mrs Folksman then helped us to colour and cut a castle at the top.....we just hope the giant doesn't pop out!  He is scary!

What an amazing World Book Day we had.  The children looked amazing in their outfits!


We have also jumped off the yellow balloon this week and onto the pink balloon.  We are looking forward to celebrating Caitlyn, Amelia, Callum, Scarlett and Maisie Lee's birthday this month!

We have celebrated one already!

Happy Birthday!







See you next time

