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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Hi everyone! Year one have absolutely blown us away this week! They’ve been so grown up, settling really well and learning the new routines of year one.

Thank you for bearing with us while we recognise faces for collection at home time, we’re almost there!

A few reminders: Our PE day is Tuesday. Children will need to come in dressed in PE kits (plain red top and blue shorts). Children can bring water bottles to school and help themselves to a drink at any point in the day. Snack money is 50p per day if the children would like to buy toast and juice or milk. Alternatively you can bring a healthy snack from home. Reading books are to be returned every day and books will be changed on a Friday. English This week we have enjoyed hearing the Gruffalo story and have been describing the mouse using adjectives. Maths In maths we have been practising our counting by making number trains and thinking about ourselves and our families. Topic Our topic this term is all about me. This week we thought about our families and noted how they were all different. PSHE

We looked at the Julia Donaldson story 'Paper Dolls' and made our own paper dolls to symbolise how we are all different but we can work together.


Have a lovely weekend, get lots of rest!

See you on Monday!
