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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 10th May

Hello and welcome back to the Yr 5W blog.



This week was all about decimals; adding and subtracting to be exact. The important thing to remember is to make sure the decimal points line up.

                        2.53 +



This is particularly important when adding and subtracting decimals with different whole numbers and decimal places.

                   +  23.5





We followed this by looking at decimals adding up to one. We used a hundred square to help us. So to work out what to add to 0.55 to make 1 whole one we coloured in 55 squares which left 45 un-coloured. Therefore 0.45 + 0.55 = 1


Our first job of the week was to create a wanted poster. We needed to include; a detailed description of the person, using adjectives, where they were last seen, what they are wanted for, offering a reward.

We had to choose between Ariadne or Theseus.

We also read another Greek myth and answered questions on it. Looking and working out what some of the tricky vocabulary meant to help us understand it.



This was about being assertive. We did a lot of role play. Take a look at some of the videos.


Still image for this video

Take Two

Still image for this video

Take Three

Still image for this video


Carrying on with our topic on Greece, we had to sort pictures and statements comparing Greece to Britain.



May we wish a belated Happy Birthday to Emily-Mae, who celebrated her birthday on Tuesday and a big thank you for the sweets.



Pupil of the week… is Georgie Gilligan for her selfless act of donating her hair to charity to help those less fortunate than herself. We are very proud of you Georgie! Mr Fletcher, who was choosing the winner of the certificates, awarded her the trophy!

Well done Georgie!

Have a super weekend everyone and we’ll see you on Monday.
