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Friday 12th January

Friday 12th January


Happy New Year and welcome to Y5F’s blog for this week!


Maths – This week in Maths the children have been investigating long multiplication. This involves using a column to multiply up to four digits by two digits. We have been really impressed with all the children that have taken the time to go away and practise their times tables at home. It is essential to know times table facts off by heart to speed up answering lots of areas in Maths.


The following link will take them to HIT THE BUTTON, a fantastic website which promotes quick recall of times table (and division) facts…

English – This week we have continued to look at Bedtime Stories about dragons. The children have watched some short film clips about dragon stories.

They have also had these presented as a text. They have read through and ‘magpied’ (collected) the exciting and interesting vocabulary as well as phrases that they like best. They will be using these to help them write their own dragon bedtime story. As well as that, they have designed their own dragon to write about in their story.


Topic – To begin the week the children have completed their final piece of work about the Vikings. They have been learning about Viking Gods and Goddesses. Also, the children have begun their new topic EARTH AND SPACE. They have been thinking about what they already know and have created a mind map in their books.


Science – The children have been thinking about which is biggest…the moon, the earth or the sun? Also, they have been thinking how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun, the earth to spin on its axis and the moon to orbit the earth.


Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week. He has won for his hard work this week tackling multiplication. He has achieved three times tables bands (2,5,10….3,4 and 11,12) AND taken extra work home to help him learn long multiplication. nonono


We would like to wish you all a fantastic weekend and we will see you again on Monday.
