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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 14th February

Welcome back to our blog - can you believe we have come to the end of this half term? The time is just flying by!!surprise


We finished our class novel, Hetty Feather, this week and your children unanimously agreed that it was their favourite yet! What a story it has been!


In history, in keeping with our Victorian theme, we discussed and made comparisons between classrooms then and now and looked at some of the major differences. It was agreed that modern classrooms are much better, although some of your children were quite taken by the idea of writing on slates!smiley


We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your cintinued support with ensuring that your children read at home - this has been reflected positively in some of the work we have carried out this week.


We would also like to inform you that there will be a short meeting after school on Tuesday 25th February with the year 6 teachers to give you information about the upcoming assessments. We hope to see you all there.


Have a lovely half term - we will see you back on the 24th.


Love from Mrs Parry & Mrs Melling xx
