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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 15th December

Our circuit games!

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog!smiley


Well we are fast approaching the end of term, so we have been getting loads done this week!no


We have continued with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in English, looking at authors choice of language, why certain words and phrases are used and the effect that that has on the reader. Very complicated stuff!sad


In Maths, we have carried on with decimals – adding them, subtracting them, multiplying and dividing them…. even up to a 1000. We also had an assessment today just to see what we’ve learned so far.


Our circuit games are coming on a real treat as we continued with these in Science and in Topic, we have researched Washinton DC and found out lots of interesting thing about the White House. Ask your children what the original name for the White House was!


I would like to say a huge thanks to the parents who came in for the drop in, we hope you enjoyed looking at your children’s work, having a chat and a mince pie.


Have a fab weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Love from Mrs Parry and Mrs Melling.


PS. Don’t forget it’s Christmas party for us on Tuesday afternoon!
