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Friday 15th January

Welcome back,

Another week of Year 3 finished, where is the time going!


This weeks pupil of the week was Ethan for his continuous hard work and determination. His effort and understanding is second to none.


Our star readers this week are Scarlett, Anmol, KJ, Teigan and Maddison. Keep it up guys!



We continued to look at fractions this week. We are now able to find equivalent fractions as well as add, subtract and order fractions! It is all really hard work.



We started our new book this week about a Roman Inventor Vesuvius Poovius, who invented the toilet! It's a very silly book. We made predictions on Monday by looking at the front cover, we then read all of the book and wrote our own book review. Later in the week we answered very difficult comprehension questions. This required us to re-call information from the book.



We continue to look at our topic of light. This week we used our torch to group objects that are transparent, translucent and opaque. We had lots of fun.



In topic we finished looking at prehistoric Britain, we brought our topic to a close by creating our very own cave paintings. They are fab!



We started to look at chow computers work. We learnt that computers aren't smart, it's us, the people that use them are the smart ones. Mr Fletcher turned our classroom into a maze and we had to write a programme for a person to get from the start of the maze all the way to the end. We realised it was much easier and quicker to use repeat.



We continued to look at different ways to travel, this progressed on to different rolls! Our favourite was the teddy bear roll.



This week we started to learn our new instrument the steel drum. We can't wait for you to hear it!


We are sorry there aren't any photos this week, but we promise nexts weeks blog will be full of photos from our school trip on Wednesday.

For those that haven't brought your slip in or paid, please do so on Monday.


Have a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
