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Friday 15th March

Hello and welcome back to another year 4 blog! 


This week in maths, we have been super busy finding the missing lengths of regular and irregular polygons. A regular polygon is where the lengths of the sides are all the same. 

Have a go at the game link below to sort the two.


Just a reminder that times tables are super important in year 4 and the children need to be fluent in their times table facts. In class we use times table rockstars and online multiplication check to test. Please can we continue our practise of this at home too. 


In writing, we have been writing our own setting descriptions of a stormy city! The year 4 teachers were 'blown away' by the quality and language used in these pieces of work. 


Last week in Science, the children planned an investigation to see the affects that different drinks had on our teeth. We used egg shells in order to do this. The results of the experiment are down below!  Vinegar did the most damage to our teeth, water didn't change them and milk made it stronger! 


Year 4 spellings next week are words that make the 'shun' sound that end in tion or sion.

1) direction

2) action

3) creation 

4) option

5) extension

6) tension

7) permission

8) discussion


