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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 15th September

Good afternoon! Wow...what a busy week we have had and a great second week back to school. 

In English we have been learning our new Talk For Writing text and writing some beautiful and detailed descriptions about a cave. 

In maths, we have been partitioning numbers up to 10, 000 Have a go at the game below to see if you can partition these numbers.


In science this week, we have been learning all about the particles and properties of solids, liquids and gases. We even took our learning outside and in groups acted out being the particles. Have a look at us being the particles... 

In year 4 spelling tests will be on  a Friday. 

Next week your child's spellings are words spelt with an y but make the i sound.

1) myth

2) gym

3) hymn

4) crypt 

5) lyric

6) oxygen

7) symbol

8) crystal is a great website for the children to practise their spellings. They just type in their spellings and choose a game to play. 
