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Friday 15th September

Friday 15th September


Welcome to this week’s blog from 5F. It has been another busy week.


Maths – This week the children have been rounding numbers up to the nearest 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000 and 100 000. They learned a little rhyme to help them decide whether to round a number up or down.


“One to four stay on the floor…five to nine climb the vine.”


Take a look at this online game to help you learn more about rounding numbers. You can select whether to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 by clicking on the relevant buttons…

EnglishThe children have been looking at spellings ending in the letter chain cious.  Also, they have been reading more of our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. They have been thinking what it would be like to be Charlie stood outside the enormous, imposing gates of the factory and written a description. Did you know that it was Roald Dahl’s birthday on 13th September? Well, to celebrate this special day the children investigated his life. They discovered lots of interesting facts such as…


Roald Dahl’s parents were Norwegian (Evie)


The last book he wrote was Matilda (Dale)


He had a sister called Astri who died when she was 7 years old (Abigail)


Roald was in the RAF and crashed his plane. He had to go to hospital for 6 months! (Scarlett)


He was born on the 13th September 1906, in Wales (KJ)


As a young boy at boarding school, he got the job as a chocolate tester! This inspired him to write Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as an adult. (Tyler)


Science – The children have continued their new topic called LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS. The children have been learning about how animals have adapted to living in their habitat. Have you ever wondered why swans have webbed feet? Or why tigers have stripes? The children thought about the different features a squirrel, duck and frog have which help them to live in their habitat and then wrote about why they had them.


Topic – The children have continued their new topic called WOODLANDS AND WETLANDS. They thought about the different kinds of life that would live in a woodland or a wetland. They then completed a sorting activity in their books. Finally, they designed a poster all about woodlands showing what they had learned about the variety of animals and plants that could be found there.


Here is our CERTIFICATE WINNER this week. She won it for being an absolute delight to have in class – hard-working, kind, caring and helpful. Well done from all of Year 5F.

All that remains is to wish you all a fantastic weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.
