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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 16th February

Good morning and welcome to our final blog for this half term. It has been another super week in class with lots of fantastic work going on.


Maths -  This week the children have continued with fractions. They have been learning how to add and subtract mixed numbers with different denominators. 


English - This week the children have been completing their hot task (an independent write). They have written a diary entry for an Antarctic expedition. They have currently been learning all about Earnest Shakleton's expedition to the Antarctic, which has been helpful in the build up their writing task.


All this half term, the Upper Phase has been holding a Reading Miles Competition. The children have been encouraged to access Reading Plus, an online reading tool, at home to build up their 'miles'. Mrs Roche has been keeping a tally and the overall winners were announced in this week's assembly by Mrs Baker.  Drumroll please...


                       AND THE WINNERS ARE... THE YEAR 5W CLASS!!!!!!


Congratulations to all of our class for their hard work with their reading for all of this half term. Keep it up! smileysmileysmiley


Our certificate winners are the 5W mini choir. They won for singing a verse together in a small group during our final music lesson. The group rose to the challenge set, and sang beautifully and confidently, taking the class's final performance of 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele to the next level. Well done to all six of the children in the mini choir. yesyesyes


That's it for this week. We hope you have a wonderful half term break, and look forward to seeing you again on Monday 26th February.


