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Friday 1st March

Hello and welcome back to year 4's first blog of the half term! Can you believe we are halfway through the year already?! 


In maths this week, we have been converting between kilometres and metres. As we know there are 1000m in 1m, so to do this we have been dividing and multiplying by 1000! 

Have a go at the link below to convert between measurements.


In writing, we have started our new Talk For Writing unit, which is all about description. To start the week off, we looked at subordinating conjunctions. These are words than link two clauses together and can go at  the beginning of a sentence or in the middle. We showed off to include these in our writing and then moved onto preposition 

This is word that tells you where something is in relation to another. For example...under, over, next to.

Have a go at the link below and try and make a sentence to include a subordinate conjunctions.


In History, we began our new topic all about the Anglo Saxons. The children started the lesson off by using the VR headsets and having a real life look at what life would have been like in Anglo Saxon Britain!


Next week spellings are words that include 'sc'

1) scientist 

2) science

3) scene

4) scent

5) scissors

6) Fascinate

7) ascend

8) descend


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
