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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 24th November

Good morning and welcome to this week's blog. 


Maths - The children have investigating multiplication. They have been making arrays to represent different multiplication facts. Here are some photos of the children's work...

English - The children have been innovating their writing this week. This means that they have looked at the model text we have been using, which is called The Canal. Then, they have taken the structure of this text, altered it slightly, and created their own slightly different version. This will lead into them creating their own, independent, piece of writing next week. 


Our certificate winner this week is Heidi for just being Heidi. A good friend, a brilliant shoulder partner and a FANTASTIC Year 5 role model. Congratulations to her from all of Year 5W smileysmileysmiley


Also, a BIG well done to all the children for their attendance recently. We have been the highest attenders for the past TWO weeks! Can we do the treble next week? Fingers crossed!


That's all for this week from Year 5W. Can you believe that it will be December next Friday? How quickly has it come round! Enjoy the weekend and we will see you on Monday.

