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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 5th July

All of year 5 were lucky enough to have a taster day at Dean Trust on Wednesday. We had a tour of the school and got to take part in an ICT and rounders lesson. It was great, and the high school teachers were super impressed with us!



This week we have been looking at shapes and their positions after a translation along both axes, reflections and tessellation


Reading was a big focus this week, with a lesson exploring a great lengthy text called Fire Island, about two orphan children who had to return a golden egg to a nest after they had stolen it from some fire breathing dragons.




After looking at properties of materials last week, we have moved on to looking at how materials can be used, and the best uses for them. Glass for a window because it’s transparent, so it lets in the light, you can see through it, and you can open it (unlike if you used brick).



Pupil of the Week


Well done Darren  – For his improved efforts in everything h does! Having a mature attitude, and even impressing the high school teachers on our afternoon taster at the Dean Trust.
