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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 7th September

Hello and welcome to our very first blog this term!


Well what a week it has been (even though it's been a short one!!!) We have got so much done and had a great time learning new things.


In English we have been working on the book, The Giant's Necklace, which your children brought home over the summer. We have loved this book - especially the twist at the end, no one was expecting that!sad


Maths has been all about place value and recognising and understanding the value of digits within a number. We will continue with this as it is a really important part of maths in year 6.


The children were gripped with our topic lesson on the Battle of Britain and wrote a heart felt, empathetic diary based on the declaration of war.


We carried out a practical experiment in Science this week on lightmail. We investigated how it travels and how our amazing eyes see it.


Your children have settled well into year 6 and have taken on the tasks and challenges well - a great first week!no


We hope you have a good weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Love from Mrs Parry, Mrs Melling and Mr Jackson xx
