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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Friday 9th October

Welcome to year 5W's blog of the week. 



In maths we have used the column method to add and subtract numbers. We remembered that sometimes we need to carry the one when adding and sometimes we need to steal from our neighbour when subtracting! Some children added and subtracted numbers with up to 5 digits! Well done! We then moved onto adding and subtracting with decimals using the column method. A very busy week in maths. 



We are still reading the novel The Enchanted Wood in class, so we have continued to base our work around this book. We have done lots of things in English this week...we have designed our own woodland creature that could be found in the Enchanted Wood, giving them their own individual looks and personalities. Towards the end of the week the children wrote up their character description about the creature that they created! They were a pleasure to read, as they were all very different and unique. 



The children have baked this week and they absolutely loved it! They all took it in turns to go to the kitchen and bake a fruits of the forest cake and I must say it smelled delicious! The children cannot wait to try them next week. After that, 5W created their own magical recipe of what they think should go into their enchanted fruits of the forest cake, we have great imaginations in 5W! We also looks at designing their own woodlands/wetlands outfits and the children are excited to start their fashion designing jobs next week! 


It's not far off our trip to Martin Mere (Wednesday 14th October) we are all getting super excited now. We have not had all the reply slips in yet though, so could these please come in at the start of next week. Thankyou :)



5W have continued to observe their flowers from the previous week and are making notes about the changes that they are going through. The children also revisited the life cycle of a plant and understand and can write about the stages that a plant goes through. 


Our certificate winner this week is Leon! He was an amazing role model when we went down to the middle phase to work with the year ones during the book fair. Other members of staff pointed out how well behaved he was and what a credit he was to year 5! Well done Leon, you deserved it and you should be extremely proud of yourself!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you bright and early on Monday morning! 

Book fair- Wednesday 7th October
