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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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May 2021

Today we had a party to celebrate Tracis last day, we had party food and danced to music. We enjoyed having our party hats on and playing with the balloons🎈 🎉 good luck in your new adventures Traci😊 We will miss you❤️

Week commencing 24th May😊

This week we have been learning to use the IPads to take our own pictures around our room and of our friends, we really enjoyed this challenge. We have had messy play again including shaving foam and sand this week to make marks in and build sand castles. We also enjoyed dancing to music with ribbons.


We love playing outside, we play chasing games and hide in the house🏠 We really enjoyed having piggybacks off Traci😂

Parent information - As from Friday the 28th of May we are sad to say Traci will be having her last day before leaving the butterfly room to start her new job. We would like to introduce you to Lauren who you will of seen around who will join Kelsey and Justine in the butterfly room.

Week commencing 17th May -  This week we are learning to categorise objects Into groups, we could correctly put all the different coloured keys into separate piles. We have also started to become independent during meal times, including - pouring our own drinks, washing own hands and face, putting our food in the bin and our cups and plates in the sink. We really enjoy doing this as part of our nursery routine. 

This week we have all enjoyed playing outside including on the slide, chasing games and building with the big blocks. We have also had good fun inside nursery playing inside the tunnel, we made a big den with Kelsey and Traci and used the light inside. We all thoroughly enjoyed the messy play activities this week including flour play, playdough and painting butterflies with our fingers. We was really good at playing the matching game with Traci and was able to find the correct cards with support.


The children have all settled in really well and adapted to nursery life. They have enjoyed a variety of activities and made lots of new friends. Here are some pictures to show what we have been doing.. 
