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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Monday 29th June

Hello Year 5!


Hope the weather clears up so we get some outdoor time today! 


Here are your learning tasks:









  1. Which planet has a ring of rocks and ice?
  2. On which continent is the South Pole?
  3. What term is used in tennis for 40-40?
  4. Can an ostrich fly?
  5. What is the fiery liquid that flows from a volcano?
  6. In the nursery rhyme who lost her sheep?
  7. What is the name of the nanny played by Emma Thompson on film?
  8. How many planets are there in the Solar System?
  9. What type of animal is Bullseye in the “Toy Story” films?
  10. What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?


Can you draw the front cover of your favourite book? 


Are you able to collect any pebbles/stones from walks and paint them? Here is some ideas! 


Have a wonderful day! 


Miss P and Mrs D! 😀
