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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Packed lunches

Your child will need a packed lunch when they attend a full day session.


Guidance on what you could put into their lunch can be found here


We do not provide drinks for lunch times, so your child will need to bring a drinks bottle with non-fizzy drink inside.


It is also important that if providing your child with a yoghurt/ jelly/ pudding that you provide a spoon for your child to eat this.


All the remains of packaging/ left over food will be placed inside your child's packed lunch bag.  This allows you to see what your child has/ hasn't eaten.  We know that this can be messy, so if you would like to provide a sandwich bag for us to put the remains into, please do.


The children go to the small hall in school for their lunch.


Lunch is 11.30-12.00 each day
