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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Pre school room 1 (Jenna)

Please see attached flyer for details of upcoming Riding the Rapids courses taking place a Embrace Wigan & Leigh; Riding the Rapids is a free course for parents and carers of children who have a diagnosis of Autism, learning disabilities or complex physical disabilities; The course aims to help parents to understand and manage behaviours they may find challenging.


Parents can self-refer by emailing


For further please contact Karen Cheetham at

Here is a link for a website called Tiny Happy People, please take time to explore this at home it is an amazing website full of simple activities and play ideas to develop your child's language skills.


You will find simple activities for you to do at home, tips and advice, information on children's development and milestones.

Children's language development and parenting advice - BBC Tiny Happy People


If your finding it difficult to wean your child of their dummy, below is a useful link to give you tips and advice and how much a dummy has an impact on a child’s communication and speech development.

Dummies and weaning: How and when to stop dummy use - BBC Tiny Happy People

