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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Spring 1 learning

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This half term we have had some wonderful in class experiences. We have worked together, played together and learned together! Let's have a little look at what we have been exploring smiley 

The children have been using the story Peppa Pig goes shopping to help them learn and understand about food and where it comes from. We made a shop in class and the children explored different roles of both the shop assistant and the customer smiley

Here we are playing in the shopping, writing lists and learning all those important skills such as working together and turn taking. Well done everyone yes

We have also been reading the text Rosie's Walk. This lovely story has helped us to learn  about different environments and to develop our story telling skills smiley

We used the story to help us with our drawings and writing. We are super proud of how well the children have recalled information that they have had read to them. Ask your child about the story and see what they can remember smiley

Here's a little round up of other things we have enjoyed playing and learning with in the classroom this week smiley

Another of the wonderful texts we have accessed this half term is Hug Me. We transformed our role play area into a lovely, inviting camp site. The children played, took on different roles, learned and used new language and generally had a fun time.  Take a little look at our learning smiley

We have also been looking at, learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. The children have listened to the story The Great Race and we have accessed lots of lovely learning experiences linked to developing our knowledge of this celebration. We have watched dragon dancing, made masks, drawn pictures and so much more yes

If you would like to listen to the story of the Great Race to find out how each year got its name the link is below

Here is our final round up for Spring 2. What a lot we have learned and experienced in just 6 weeks smiley

We hope that you have an amazing half term and we can't wait to see you all again soon

Staff and children in Reg 2 smiley
