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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Sunflower Routine


 The nursery routine plays a vital role in helping children learn essential skills such as basic hygiene, time management, social skills, independence, and confidence.

 Due to parents not being allowed in the centre and limited communication time at the gate hope this overview of our daily routine will help to give you an insight of what your child is doing each day.


  Morning Routine


 730am-820am: Children who attend wrap around care will have a choice of breafast cereals, toast and drink.


9am- Carpet time- children greet each other with our "welcome song" following with nursery rhyme songs.


930am-1130am- toileting/nappies- a member of staff is responsible for toileting throughout the morning.


930am-1030am- "Snack time" this is a socialable time for all children they are encouraged to wash hands beforehand and are offered a choice of different snacks/drinks  i.e. fruit, crumpets, toasts, pancakes, milk, water ................. 


9.20am-10.45am- morning play ( activites set up from children's interests, next steps, new experiences) these are fun, stimulating to provide learning in play- children choose what they would like to play with, adult interactions, interventions which focus on the EYFS learning annd development take place.


920am-1120am- outdoor play- the children have access to outdoor play areas in all weathers its very important that you bring in a suitable coat, wellies as children do get wet and muddy! Warm hat, scaf, gloves in winter!


1120am-1130am- Handwashing before dinnertime!


1130am-12noon- Dinnertime- this is a socialable and enjoyable time with friends, children are encouraged to eat their lunch, use cutlery, and have good table manners.


12noon- sleep time/quiet time- this is a time for children to rest, sleep and relax after a busy morning.




Afternoon rotuine


Children usually wake from sleeping from half an hour to an hour each child varies we will try and tell all parents times children went to sleep and woke up please ask if a member of staff at the gate.


130pm- afternoon activities are set up based on children's learning, needs, interests which are fun, stimulating to provide learning in play.


1pm-3pm- toileting- a member of staff once again will be responsible for nappy change.


130pm-230pm - "Snack time" this is a socialable time for all children they are encouraged to wash hands beforehand and are offered a choice of different snacks/drinks  i.e. fruit, crumpets, toasts, pancakes, milk, water ................. 


130pm-250pm- Outdoor play


3pm-4pm- Home time- children wll leave nursery at different times-


4pm-5pm- tea time snack for wrap around children and free flow activties


