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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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wc 22.11.21

Time flies when you're having fun...and it certainly has so far in Y3!


This week we have again been busily learning about the Stone age to the Iron age in our History Topic. This week it was time to stop at the Bronze age and learn all about smelting to make bronze weapons using copper and tin. We even got to have a go ourselves (but not real smelting, we used melted white and milk chocolate to make weapons instead...yummy!)


In Science we started to learn about fossils and the first female fossil hunter Mary Anning. We thought she was pretty cool!


In Maths we have started to work on multiplying and dividing and made some museums of number to show lots of different ways to represent each calculation. 


Our English focused on writing about settings and making them either spooky, calm or exciting depending on the adjectives we used.


Well, that's all for this week, we'll see you again soon


Love from

Mrs Hannon, Mrs Mason, Miss Sherlock 

and all of Y3F x x x
