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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week Beginning 10th October

Some of our activities this week😀

One of our activities this week was using the guttering to roll balls down, the children enjoyed racing the balls down and counting 1,2,3, and saying ready steady go etc😁👍

We enjoyed a small session with the slide, tunnel and trampoline inside this week😊 take a look..

This week we have enjoyed looking at Autumn things including sticks, leaves, conkers and pine cones. The children have been for lots of walks over the past few weeks and collected lots of different leaves and sticks. With these we have enjoyed playing and exploring by making an autumn sensory tray for the children. We have also made autumn wreaths which the children thoroughly enjoyed😀👍

Tuesday 10th October😁

Wednesday 11th October😊

Hall time - this is located in school and we take the time to do lots of physical movements. This week we did action songs like the freeze dance, baby shark, head shoulders knees and toes and row row row your boat. We also do lots of action for example - running, jumping, hopping, crawling etc. 

The children really enjoyed being different animals and using different noises and movement we was pretending to be monkeys, tigers, butterflies, cats, dogs elephants etc. Take a look..

Thursday 12th October😊

Friday 13th October😊

We have been encouraging the children to become more independent by washing their own hands before meal times, peel their own fruit, make own choices and pour own drinks. This morning we have had cereal for snack the children had a choice of corn flakes or Rice Krispies they enjoyed choosing their own spoons and pouring their own milk😊
