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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 15th December 2023

Hello and welcome back to this weeks class blog. This wee we have been using the text This Zoo in not for you - a lovely story about the need to be friends and listen to people. This week all of our learning has been focused on the zoo and the animals that live there. Let's take a look through this week smiley

We started the week off with a birthday celebration. It's always lovely to share these special occasions with your child and for their friends to be a part of the celebrations smiley

This weeks text has enabled us to learn so much more about animals that live in the zoo. We have talked about their patterns, features and learned so many new facts. Here we are sketching zoo animals smiley

We have also used the theme of zoo animals to help our learning in Maths. Mrs Evans has set us challenges to count the number of animals and to correctly identify the number underneath. The children love the challenges in Continuous Provision - they thrive on the excitement and praise that comes as a reward for their hard work. Keep up the amazing effort everyone! yes

We continue to develop our phonic skills in lots of different ways. We have our daily Read Write Inc sessions and spend a lot of time in class reinforcing and embedding the learning. Here we are using our sound knowledge to make letter sounds in play smiley 

Using our phonic knowledge we continue to apply it to our writing. This week we have been adding labels to zoo animals. Take a look at just how well our writing is progressing. Thank you for your on-going support at home it really helps make a positive difference smiley

Here are some of the other activities we have explored this week in class. We have developed our fine motor control by squeezing, pinching. We have developed our ability to read and follow a pattern. We have worked together to create a model. Amazing work!

Without a doubt the highlight of the week has been the nativity. I am so very proud of each and every child. All of the children have taken great delight in dressing up, singing songs and enjoying the performance. We hope that you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it. Here we are dressed up and ready to go smiley

Next week is all about celebrations. We will explore our literacy and maths work through some lovely planned learning experiences. Have an amazing weekend


Staff and children in Reception W smiley
