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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 15th September 2023

Hello and a warm welcome back to our class blog. This week has been a busy week. Our first week full time in Reception and what an amazing week it has been. Let's take a little look....


We started the week off by listening to the story Starting School. We talked about the similarities and differences between the story and our own experiences and we created story maps to show the types of things we had explored as we started school smiley

These are now proudly displayed in our classroom

We started our Read Write Inc this week also. We have been learning the sounds masdt. Here we are writing some of the sounds we have been learning. Keep up the good work everyone. This is a great skill to continue practising at home yes

We have also been developing our early reading skills this week. We have photocopied pictures from the book and had the challenge of then trying to find them. For this we have had to work on skills such as holding the book the right way, turning the pages one at a time and then scanning the text to find letters and images. This was a really useful activity and allowed us to start our reading journey the right way smiley

As it's been our first full week together we have been working hard on developing our personal, social and emotional skills. We have been learning about how we can work together, share, be patient and help our friends. Here we are in action smiley

We have also been exploring shapes and patterns. Did you know that in our classroom we are completely surrounded by shapes and patterns? The children loved investigating and being a shape hunter. Here we are exploring 2D shapes yes

Next week we will be using the text Marvellous Me to help us with our learning. Here is the link should you wish to watch it in advance at home


Have a great weekend

staff and children in Reception W smiley
