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Week ending 16.6.17

Week ending 16th June 2017


This week, as usual, has been a very productive one. We have been counting in different ways for example in 1's, 2's and 10's. We can count up to 100 in 10's and up to 10 in 2's. Why not set us a challenge and see what amazing things we know.

We have also been thinking about different textures and writing labels with descriptive words on them. We talked about different materials and how they feel, what they would be good for making and created our own labels. We had some really great observations - 

Lyla - This feel all rough and bumpy

Tia - This is like a feather all soft and floaty

Oliver - This is like lots of little bumps and squidgey in the middle

This week we have also been thinking carefully about our independent writing. Mia wrote a lovely label for the flower she made and read it back saying all of the sound sin the right place. We also have some great writers who can write some of the red words from Read Write Inc - take a look at words we can write that cannot be sounded out.

Please can we remind all parents that reading books need to be in class on a Monday morning so that we can change them and we always try to listen to the children reading their books to us so it is especially important that you remember to sign their reading records.


Also, please can we remind you that trip money for our Trip to Blackpool Zoo needs to be paid as soon as possible. 


Don't forget to return your slip with your preference for a time to speak with myself and the Year 1 teacher on the 3rd July. 


Have a wonderful weekend. Staff and children in Reception W
