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week ending 17th November 2023

Welcome back to this weeks class blog. What a wonderful week it has been. Our first trip in Reception. Let's find out more about this weeks learning. 

We started the week off accessing some lovely invitations to come and write. We try to expose the children to many different writing opportunities to help them develop not only their skills but their confidence as well.  Here are 2 of the activities from this week smiley

Using our text of the week we have been discussing and describing the differences and similarities between the setting from the story What the Ladybird heard at the seaside and what we saw when we went to Haigh Hall. This is what we came up with ...

Harper - The seaside is warm and sunny

Roman - Haigh Hall was windy and squishy

Robyn - The seaside is wear you wear shorts and t-shirts

Elijah - Haigh Hall had lots of leaves and muddy puddles 

What a lovely comparison between the 2 environments smiley 

This weeks highlight has most definitely been our trip to Haigh Hall. The children were so well behaved and made us so very proud. We had such a good time. The weather was kind to us and we learned so very much from being outdoors talking about what we could see, hear, feel and smell. We discovered colours and textures, we learned about shapes and animals that live in the woods. We even found time to have a story and snack outdoors. It was such a lovely morning smiley

On our return to school we started to think about what we had experienced. We talked through our ideas, opinions and shared them with our friends. We then started to write captions and simple sentences about what we enjoyed about the trip. Take a look at some of this amazing writing 

As always, we look at ways to develop our classroom environment and plan things linked to the children's interests. Water is such a motivator this year and the children love to explore pouring, filling and emptying in different contexts. Take a look at our new outdoor learning tool - a water wall! The children have loved predicting where they think the water will come out, talking about how some of the pipes are bendy and stretchy and how much water is too much to pour in at any one time. Who would have thought so much language could come from 1 activity smiley

In Maths this week we have been thinking about part whole model. We have been exploring the concept of how different parts can be combined to make a whole. For example an arm is a part of the body but all the parts of a body together make us whole. We have explored this using our bodies, objects and numbers yes

Next week we will be using the text On the Farm to help us with our learning. As always, I will attach the link so you can listen to the story together over the weekend.


Have a wonderful weekend

Staff and Children in Reception W  smiley
