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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 18th March 2022

A very warm welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been using the text The Growing Story to help us with our learning. We have focused this week on how children grow and how animals grow and what a fun filled week it has been. Let's take a little look and see smiley

We absolutely loved the Little Bran Farm. We touched, learned and overcame our fears to have such a wonderful time. We talked about where these animals live, what they eat and we developed our language by describing how they felt. It was such a lovely experience and the children were exceptionally well behaved. Amazing smiley

We have also been using our pictures of us as a baby to help us with our learning. It was so much fun looking at the photographs and trying to guess who was who. Pictures of our display to follow smiley

We are loving our PE lessons. They help us to develop so many new skills and techniques. This week was all about ball skills. Peyton was our sports star of the week. Well done smiley

We have also been developing our knowledge linked to number bonds to 10. We set up a bus stop in the classroom and we had children get on and off at different stops. Then according to how many empty and filled seats there were we used our number bond knowledge to record. Take a look

Next week we are using a text linked to people who help us and are going to be thinking about our aspirations when we grow up. Excited. We will be visiting the ALPS on Wednesday morning so children will need wellingtons or shoes that are sturdy and a coat please as we are unsure of what the weather will be like smiley


Please remember that both reading and loan library books are changed each and every Monday. It is important to bring them on this day as we like to talk to the children about what they have enjoyed about the different texts. Also, can we remind you to sign their reading record smiley


Have a great weekend in the sun

Staff and children in Reception W
