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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 19th April

Welcome to the first blog of the Summer term. It was lovely to see the children come back in smiling and ready to get started. This week was the first week of our topic of looking at books by the author 'Julia Donaldson'. We have had a spidery week using the book 'Spinderella' for our work and activities. 

In literacy we have looked at a selection of Julia Donaldson books and talked about stories we know and had a go at retelling some of the stories. We have filled in speech bubbles, writing something a character from the story said. We have read words on separate pieces of paper and rearranged them to make a sentence and then reread it to check it made sense. 

In Maths we have be learning how to count larger amounts. We have counted objects and counters and thought about moving them or arranging them in easier ways to count them. We have also counted spots on a page that can't be moved so we either crossed them out, drew circles around them or wrote numbers next to them to make sure we counted accurately. We have been learning about capacity and measuring how much containers hold using the sand.

We've made some lovely spider and web pictures in our creative area this week. We have drawn spiders, made glitter pictures, cut and glued spiders and collaged spiders.

We've also had lots of different activities around our classroom. We've had play dough, funky fingers, drawing and writing, sand and water play, our role play shed is now a supermarket, lots of books to read and many more things. 

We have been very lucky that Mrs Shirley came to do music with us again. We played instruments, sand  songs and danced.

Every Friday we have PE with Mr Ellis. We learn lots of skills and get lots of exercise. This week we played team games and practised our ball skills.

Next week we will continue looking at Julia Donaldson stories. Our next book is 'Stickman'. If you would like to read it please click the link below.

Have a lovely weekend.

Reception F staff and children.
