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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 1st December

Welcome to this weeks blog. We have had a roaringly good week based on our text of the week, 'Rumble in the Jungle'. We have been finding out about the jungle, the animals that live there and if we visited the jungle what things we would need to take with us. 

We have done lots of writing, reading, drawing, cutting and painting to find out more about the jungle and the animals that live there.


We've been playing with the jungle animals and making our own jungle environments with the construction toys. We've made our own animals with the play dough and even dressed up as jungle animals.


As always, we have had lots of fun in continuous provision with funky fingers, jigsaws, reading, drawing and lots more ...

In maths we have been looking at numerals and matching objects to equal their value. We've been subitising (saying how many things there are without counting). We've learnt that the last number we say when counting is the 'stopping number'. We've counted claps, objects and pictures. We've also been finding out about 4 sided shapes (squares and rectangles). We sorted circles, triangles, squares and rectangles into 2 groups - 4 sided shapes and NOT 4 sided shapes.

Next week we will be finding out about animals that live in the Arctic.

Our text next week is 'Arctic Animals' by Jill McDonald. If you would like to look at it with your child please click the link below.


Have a lovely weekend.

Reception F staff and children.
