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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 1st November 2019

Welcome back and we hope that you have had a lovely relaxing holiday. This theme this term is Julia Donaldson and we have a whole range of exciting texts to use with the children. We cannot wait smiley
Our number of the week is 6 and this is the way we start the introduction off each week with our new number. We ask the children to look a range of numbers they have already been exposed to and the new number and the children have to determine whether or not they can go onto the magic maths carpet. This is a great way of checking their recall of numbers and a fun exciting way of introducing new numbers. 
We have been out onto the ALPS and re-read the story of Room on The Broom. The atmosphere and the changing of seasons made this the perfect venue to read the book again. The leaves swirled and twirled and we had such a good time exploring language. We also carved some pumpkins in class. This was good for our co-ordination, developing our strength and we used it as a means of feeding the wildlife on the ALPS. We even managed to see a squirrel smiley
We have also had our fabulous trip this week to Tread UK. A whole outdoor experience focused on the text Room On The Broom. We made wands, made broomsticks, had a go at archery, made potions that fizzed and bubbled and also had marshmallows. The children were exceptionally well behaved and we, as always, were really proud of them smiley
We plan on using this amazing experience to help us to develop our writing. We have written letters to Ginge and Cosy to say thank you and to tell them what we enjoyed about the day.

Next week we are going to be using the text Tiddler to help us with our learning. This amazing book will help us to compare and contrast environments, help us to develop our personal and social skills and lots of opportunities to think about how we can try to always do the best we can. Have a lovely weekend. 


Staff and children in Reception W smiley
