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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 20th November 2020

This week we have been using the text The Snail and the Whale. Did you manage to have a sneak preview of it over the weekend? Let's look at what we have been up to in class this week.
We have been developing our ability to listen to and follow instructions. We found on the Internet how to fold paper and turn it into a whale. We talked through each step and the children completed the task. I think they did an amazing job. Well done everyone. These are now proudly on display in the classroom 
We have also been utilising the opportunity to get creative. We have been thinking about shapes, textures and form and we have been using lots of different media to create images of either the snail or the whale. Take a look at this masterpiece. Wonderful
We have also been utilising the opportunity to develop our writing skills. We have been creating postcards about places we have visited or would like to visit. The children's imaginations are wonderful and so is their writing. 
We have also been creating wonderful pictures of the sea using different shades of blue. We have displayed these on the wall in or classroom and when you come in they are very eye catching and look so realistic. 
We have also been learning about number 6.  We have looked in depth this week at different ways of recording 6 - 6 dots, tally chart, using letters and words. Ask the children to show you I am certain that you will be impressed too. 

Next week we are using the text Zog. A brave little dragon who always wanted to be first. Have a little look at it on the Internet over the weekend. Zog is the perfect text for helping us to develop our knowledge on Number.


Can I also remind everyone that we ask for reading books to be returned every Wednesday so that they can be changed and we can read the comments that you write in your child's reading record.


Have a great weekend.


Mrs Evans and Staff



