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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 21st April 2023

We hope that you had an amazing Easter holidays and we are ready to come back to school refreshed and ready to learn. This term is all about Julia Donaldson. Each week we will take one of her amazing books and use this as the focus for our learning. This week we have been exploring the text Spinderella - a lovely story all about a spider who is desperate to learn numbers. I will add a link at the end of the blog so that you can sit and share this lovely story with your child. Firstly, let's look at this weeks adventures in Reception W smiley

We started the week off with some lovely invitations to read and write. We have developed and enhanced our writing area to incorporate the theme of pirates - the children were very keen for it to have this focus. So this week we have been using telescopes and writing about what we can see, we have created messages in a bottle as well as creating many treasure maps where x marks the spot. It has been so lovely to see the children busy and learning. As you can see our lovely class library is full of Julia Donaldson texts for the children to read - ask them about their favourite book!

We have been using the Internet to learn about Julia Donaldson. Did you know that she has written over 200 books! Amazing! We are developing the children's awareness of where information comes from and the lovely website we have been using has helped us learn so much new information. Here is a little screen shot smiley

So in recognition of our author we looked at how many books we had in or cupboards that have been written by Julia Donaldson. We found over 29! We looked at each and every one of them. We talked about the front cover, author, illustrator, blurb, cover page, title and lots lots more. What a wonderful experience we had smiley

We then got to thinking about Julia herself. What would we like to ask her. So we came up with the idea of writing a letter to her to ask her a question. We have some amazing ideas and just take a look at the questions we created. Mrs Evans has sent them via email and we await a response from either Julia herself or an employee. Watch this space! 

I also just wanted to share with you the lovely effort the children put into our sticky learning book. If you have ever attended any of our stay and play sessions you know that we always have this out for you to look through. Each Friday we add to our book and talk about and discuss the learning that has happened during the week. Take a look at some of the lovey work we have produced over the term. 

And finally, we have introduced a new and fun funky finger table into our classroom. This is an area where we develop our imagination, hand eye co-ordination and fine motor control all whilst taking part in fun activities. This week our challenge has been to use loose parts to create characters from Julia's stories. Here is the Gruffalo! 

We hope that you have a great weekend. Here is the link for you to watch the story of Spinderella together. Enjoy.


Next week we will be enjoying the text Stickman. 


Don't forget Reading books are changed every Monday and Loan library is every Thursday.


Reception Team smiley
