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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 22nd December

Welcome to the last blog of 2023. We've had a very festive week. We've been doing Christmas literacy and numeracy tasks, lots of Christmas creative activities and we've been watching what the Elf in our classroom has been doing!!!

We had our Christmas party on Tuesday, there was lots of excitement and it was lots of fun. We danced, played musical statues, musical bumps and had some nice treats to eat.


In literacy we wrote a letter to Father Christmas, we did a sound hunt, the children were given a letter sound and they had to look around the classroom to find something that began with that sound and we have drawn and labelled snowmen.

In numeracy, we have been counting Christmas pictures and writing the numerals to match, we have been ordering numbers to 10 and we have been subitising Christmas pictures and finding the correct number to match the amount. 

We've had lots to do this week, we made and decorated hats for our party, we made Christmas cards, our shed turned into Santa's Workshop and children were helping the elves to wrap presents. We've had lots of other fun things to do in our classroom.

It's been a lovely week and we are very excited for Christmas. 

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

We look forward to seeing you again in 2024.


Reception F staff and children.
