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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 22nd March 2022

Hello and a warm welcome back to this weeks class blog. This week we have been busy learning all about Seasons. We have been discovering the names of the seasons and what happens in each of them. Take a look at this weeks lovely invitations to come and play and learn smiley

We started the week off by thinking about the weather and how it differs from season to season. We each selected a season and then created a suitcase with labels relating to the clothing we needed for each season smiley

We have been learning about flowers that grow in Spring time. We discovered that daffodils are popular flowers. We looked at them, touched them and then created some drawings. Take a look at our wonderful pastel pictures yes 

We have also been exploring colour mixing. We mixed different colours and then created different trees in different seasons. Take a look at our creativity smiley

In Maths this week we have been learning all about doubling and doubling facts. Here we are exploring doubles and using this knowledge to create stem sentences. I am super proud of you all smiley

We have also enjoyed yet an other fabulous music session with Mrs Shirley. We look forward to each and every Wednesday and how we can explore music using our voices as an instrument. Fabulous yes

AS part of our Literacy work this week we have been watching nature clips showing signs of Spring. We have been outside onto the playground and looked at the signs of spring we have on our doorstep. Take a look at these wonderful pieces of work. 

We have also been exploring what characteristics we associate with different seasons. Here are some of the words we link to seasons and what happens during them. 

We have been using different technology in and around the classroom and thinking about ways we use it in our everyday life. We have bene taking and printing photographs of each other at work and play, recording instructions on talking pegs and giving and following directions using remote control vehicles. 

The sunflower seed we planted at Kenyon Hall Farm last week has started to grow! Remember to ask the children what the sunflower seeds need in order to grow. In a little while they will need potting in  a bigger container. I would love to see what yours look like at home. Why not send or draw me a picture smiley

We have also had an amazing time at Little Barn  Farm. The children were amazing and the animals were so very friendly. Take a look at what delights we got to see, feel and feed!

And finally a big thank you from me! It was so lovely to see so many of you at parents evening. It was a pleasure to share the progress an d growth your child/ren have made duirng the Spring term in Reception. We have lots of exciting things to look forward in our Summer term together smiley

Next week we will be learning all about life cycles. We have such an exciting week planned. Have a wonderful weekend 

Staff and children in Reception W smiley
