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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 22nd October 2021

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been enjoying our enhancement week all about Autumn. We have explored lots of different materials and looked at their colours and textures and used them in our art work. Let's have a little look at this weeks learning ..... 

We started the week off by exploring sensory writing. We used sand, twigs, pine cones and leaves to explore different marks. We even practised writing our names smiley

We explore pumpkins. We talked about, predicted and explored what was inside. It was lovely to hear lots of exciting vocab ...

Scarlett - It's sticky and gooey

Jonathan - it's so stretchy 

Nylah - It's slippery

We also created an Autumn collage. We had lots of different natural materials and made a large collage. Once it was dry and you lifted it up to the light you could see the veins on the leaves. So very exciting and easy to do

We also had a little go at some transitional art work. Again, using natural materials, we talked about what we wanted to make and then framed our art work.

And finally, using the text Leaf Hunt we created our story map. This is an activity that we do each week using a different text and helps the children to develop lots of different pre reading skills. It's lovely to see it develop week on week. I am so very proud of them smiley

We hope that you have a lovely half term. It has been lovely getting to know the children and i know they are going to love what we are planning for them after half term. Remember, if you can, fill up your Autumn bag and return it to school on Monday.


Staff and children in Reception W
