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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 24th September 2021

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week has been a very busy week in Reception W. We have been exploring the text Marvellous Me and we have been thinking about what makes us special and unique. We have also created a book that is now proudly displayed in our reading area - so now it is official - we are authors smiley

Looks amazing doesn't it?

We have also been exploring shapes and thinking about their properties and what we can use shapes to make. Who know so many objects contained shapes. Amazing! On your way home and to school why not have a little look out for shapes. I would love to know what you have seen smiley

We have also been exploring our new reading area. Reading is such an important skill in Reception and we love having access to lots of different types of books. Here we are exploring and enjoying the area

We have also been exploring subitising. We have looked at the spots on dice and dominoes and how we can recognise the pattern and know without counting just how many are there. Amazing! Look at what Lukas did independently on the whiteboard. Fantastic yes

As part of our work on Marvellous Me we have been thinking about our favourite stories. We had so many wonderful ideas and it just goes to show how different we all are. We are super proud of the children and have displayed their work for all to see. Well done Reception W smiley

And finally, reading books need to be returned to school on Monday - please keep them at home until then as we would like you to read your child's book as often as possible - a few minutes every night will really make a difference.


Have a great weekend


Staff and children in Reception W
