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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 27th April 2018

Hello and welcome back. This week marks the grand opening of our new mud kitchen. There are endless learning opportunities in this area. Maths - full, empty, more and less. Communication and Language - speaking and listening and sharing opinions with our friends. The list goes on. 
We have also been making great use of our writing and creative area. We have been thinking about our favourite books, what they are, who the author is and what do some of the illustrations look like. Here are 3 of our budding authors. Haven't they done really well?
We have continued to develop our knowledge of cause and effect. This week we have built upon the skills and knowledge we learned last week and this week we are talking about speed and distance and what happens when we roll a ball down different ramps. 
This week our challenge was to find out about and share a special event or achievement that has happened in our life. Here are just examples. Thank you so much for helping your child to think about how these events make them feel. They have really enjoyed sharing these with their friends.
We have also been exploring technology and how we can make things move and what powers them. Have a look around your home and see what works using batteries or electricity. You'll be surprised at just how much the children know.
That's all for this week. Next week we are going to be using the text Olivers Vegetables as the focus for our learning. The children are in for a real treat! 