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Week ending 28th March

Welcome to the last blog of the Spring term. It has been another very busy but fun week with lots going on. On Monday we had the Easter Bonnet Parade. We had some fantastic bonnets that children had made at home, very well done to you. The children went to the hall and paraded their bonnets.

Mrs Shirley also came to work with us and we had another great music lesson.

As a special end of term treat, Lucy from Let's Pretend came to work with us. She read us a story about 'growing' and we played musical instruments, sang songs with lots of actions and did some dancing. It was great fun and we loved her puppets helping to tell the story. 

In Literacy this week we have been learning about life cycles. We have found out about butterflies, frogs and sunflowers life cycles. We have drawn and labelled egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly ourselves. We have written about frog life cycles and sequenced pictures of the life cycle of a sunflower. We have also thought and talked about everything we have learned and done this half term about 'growing'.

In Maths we have been sorting objects based on colour, shape and size. We've also continued practising our doubles and have looked at odd and even numbers.

We made an Easter wreath by decorating egg shapes and a rabbit and gluing them together in a circle.

We have also had lots of other activities going on in our classroom. A lot of the activities have been based on life cycles and minibeasts. We are always very busy.

After the Easter break we will be looking at Julia Donaldson stories as our texts of the week. The first week back we are using the story 'Spinderella' as our text. If you would like to listen to it, click the link below.


Have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 15th April.

Happy Easter

Reception F staff and children
