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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 29th September 2023

Hello and welcome back to our class blog. This week we have been busy learning using the text On the Way Home. A lovely story about a little girls encounter with lots of different characters. Let's take a little look at this weeks learning.

As always we carefully select different resources to be put out each day in class. These form our continuous provision - areas in the classroom where we can play, learn and develop our skills through play smiley

We have been talking about and sharing with our friends who lives in our house. This lovely activity linked to the story as we discovered who lived in her house. Here we are designing and adding details to our own homes smiley

As we do each week with our text of the week we create our own story maps. We talk about sequence of events, what happened first, who are the characters are and what they did in the story. This is great for developing our memory, recall and story telling skills yes

Each week on a Friday we add to our sticky learning book. This book is a huge celebration of all of the work that we complete each and every week. We use photographs of the children at play, sample of their work and the children record their own ideas and thoughts. We love looking back on this regularly and it really does show the fabulous progress we are making in class smiley

In the story the little girl had a long walk home. We have been thinking about and learning about the things we pass on our way to school. Here are the maps we created. Look at some of the lovely details that we have included. Great work everyone

Here is a little round up of other experiences we have explored this week in Reception W smiley

And finally. Next week we will be using the text In Every House on Every Street to help us with our learning. I will add a link below if you would like to listen to the story togther at home over the weekend.


Please remember parents evening is Monday and Thursday next week so if you haven't yet booked your appointment please do so as soon as possible.


Also, take a little look at the links I have sent via Weduc for the sounds we have been learning in Read Write Inc. Five minutes practice everyday will help to make a world of difference. Thank you for your ongoing support


Have a great weekend

Staff and Children in Reception W smiley
