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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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week ending 2nd December 2022

Hello and welcome to Reception W class blog. This week we have been using the story Rumble in the Jungle. Over this half term we have exposed the children to various texts about all different types of animals from those on a farm to those that live in the jungle. Let's look at this weeks action 

So we started the week off thinking about the different types of animals in the story and the types of questions we would like to find out the answers to. We have been learning that we can use books and the Internet as an information source. This is just some of the wonderful questions we have found out the answers to....

Eliana - how many stripes does a tiger have? Apparently over 100 stripes!

Keziah - why does a lion roar - to protect it's family

Izabella - what do monkeys eat - lots of things such as fruit and nuts and their diets change with the seasons. So many wonderful facts we have learned smiley

We have also been looking at the differences between the patterns and prints of animals. Here we are exploring colour, texture and replicating the patterns on an animal.

We have also been exploring patterns in different ways. We have been exploring some lovely funky finger activities to help develop our co-ordination and pencil grip. Here we are exploring paint in bags and the use of cotton buds to make patterns. 

We have also been developing our artistic skills in different ways. We have been using pencils and sketching the other half of animals. We have been using mirrors to replicate the other half of the animal and we have been developing our observational drawing skills. Take a little look at these masterpieces smiley

We have also been exploring different ways to record numbers and developing our knowledge of our number bonds to 5 and 10. Take a look at some of the wonderful work that has been happening independently this week in class smiley

We have also been exploring some mark making activities outside. Look at the fun we have had yes

Next week we will be learning all about animals that live in the Artic. Brrrrrrr. Maybe have a little look over the weekend and see if you can make a list of some of the animals we might be learning about next week.


Don't forget our nativity is on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Please remember to go to the front office to collect your 2 tickets. We can't wait to share our hard work with you.


Have a fabulous weekend

staff and children in Reception W


