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Westfield Community School A beacon of hope (Ofsted)

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Week ending 4th February 2022

Welcome back to our class blog. This week as you know we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have been exploring the customs and traditions linked to it. Let's have a little look at the wonderful learning from this week ....

We recreated the Great Race story with animals in our tuff tray. We talked about who won the race and who came second, third, fourth and so on. Great activity for developing our awareness of ordinal numbers. Ask your child and see if they can remember the animals from the story and the order they finished the race in.

We have had an amazing response to the challenge of finding out information at home about Chinese new Year. This is just a small sample of what came back to school and we have now used it to create a wonderful, welcoming display in class. Thank you for your continued support. The children have loved talking about and sharing their facts smiley

We have also explored Dragon and Lion dancing. Not as easy as it seems! The children have been thinking about and learning about the movements they make - up, down, side to side. We followed the person in front of us and created our own version of the dance smiley

We have also been exploring the origin of the Willow pattern. We researched, studied and created our own willow pattern plates. They look amazing and are so very eye catching on our wall. Great job yes

Next week we are back to our traditional tales experiences. We will be using the text The Three Little Pigs to help us with our learning. Have a great weekend


Reception Staff smiley
